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S2OPC architecture is based on embedded requirement:

  • Small footprint
  • OS independent
  • Minimal functionalities
  • High level of security
  • Certifications

PubSub over TSN

S2OPC is ready for integration with TSN networks.
S2OPC OPC UA realtime secure PubSub over TSN demonstrator:

S2OPC PubSub also includes:
  • Secure authentication of IIoT devices
  • Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanges with the rest of the system.
  • End-to-end encryption of the PubSub protocol with cryptoprocessor (TPM).
  • Dynamically configurable PubSub communication
  • OPC UA companion specification support
  • Multiple publishers and subscribers
  • Publisher and Subscriber scheduler
  • Multiple DSMs

The approach presented has been developed in collaboration with Thales Research & Technology.

Formal methods at the heart of development

Formal methods provide a very good confidence of bug less software. They are widely used in critical software development.

S2OPC OPC UA functionalities (OPC UA Part 4 – Services Release Specification) have been developed following the B formal method. An article has been written to explain S2OPC approach of using B method development.


Supported OPC UA Services

Address Space Model & Informations

  • Address Space Base
  • Address Space Atomicity
  • Address Space Full Array Only
  • Base Info Core Structure
  • Base Info GetMonitoredItems Method
  • Base Info ResendData Method

Discovery Services

  • Discovery Get Endpoints
  • Discovery Find Servers Self

Session Services

  • Session General Service Behaviour
  • Session Base
  • Session Change User
  • Session Minimum 50 Parallel +

Protocol and Encoding

  • Protocol UA TCP
  • UA Secure Conversation
  • UA Binary Encoding

Subscription Services

  • Monitor Basic / Value Change
  • Monitor 500 Items +
  • Subscription Basic
  • Subscription Minimum 5 +
  • Subscription Publish Minimum 10+

View & Attributes Services

  • Read / Write Values & Status Code & Timestamp
  • Method Call
  • Browse
  • Translate Browse Path
  • Register Nodes


  • Authentification Anonymous or User/Password
  • Security Policy None / Basic 256 / Sha 256
  • Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep
  • Aes256-Sha256-RsaPss
  • PubSub-Aes256-CTR

Profiles of the OPC Foundation available here


Runtime environments and resources

Hardware architectures: ARM et x86.

Operating systems:

  • FreeRTOS
  • Linux
  • PikeOS
  • Vx Works
  • Windows
  • Zephyr

ROM (x86-64) – Linux: 1,5 MB – FreeRTOS: 1 MB
RAM (x86-64) – Linux: 1,5 MB – FreeRTOS : 256 kB

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